FFMPEG has multiple supported deinterlacing filters. Here they are: 10.14 bwdif Deinterlace the input video ("bwdif" stands for "Bob Weaver Deinterlacing Filter"). Motion adaptive deinterlacing based on yadif with the use of w3fdif and cubic interpolation algorithms. It accepts the following parameters: mode The interlacing mode to adopt. It accepts one of the following values: 0, send_frame Output one frame for each frame. 1, send_field Output one frame for each field. The default value is send_field. parity The picture field parity assumed for the input interlaced video. It accepts one of the following values: 0, tff Assume the top field is first. 1, bff Assume the bottom field is first. -1, auto Enable automatic detection of field parity. The default value is auto. If the interlacing is unknown or the decoder does not export this information, top field first will be assumed. deint Specify which frames to deinterlace. Accept ...
Skip to end of metadata o to start of metadata gdb and gdbserver can be used in combination to provide debugging capabilities over the network. gdbserver is run on the machine you want to debug. gdb is run on the machine you want to debug from, usually your local machine. More here . Before we get started, we need some software. Alpine 3.8 will be the gdbserver. NFS We will be using nfs (Network File System) to mount a remote directory and have it look like a local directory. We will cd to the nfs mounted directory which contains the program we want to debug before we launch gdb. This way the program and symbols will match. gdb will be running on your local client, but it will be launched when in a directory on the gdbserver's system. More than you wanted to know about nfs . To set up nfs, you will need nfs software on your server and your client. SERVER (Your Alpine machine) - Ad...
FFMPEG for Windows is built under MinGW or Cygwin. We will be using MinGW. You may need ZLib, the ZLib provided with MinGW does not come with a .a file for some reason. You can find ZLib at https://zlib.net/ Build Zlib so that you get zlib.lib. Follow this page: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/MSVC NOTE: When following the instructions on the above page, they only give a configure command for a release version, which is: ./configure --target-os=win64 --arch=x86_64 --toolchain=msvc If you want to do a full debug build, try this: ./configure --target-os=win64 --arch=x86_64 --toolchain=msvc --extra-cflags=" -EHa -nologo -D 'DEBUG' -D 'WINDOWS' -D 'HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC' -D 'API_EXT_PARAM_LIST'" --enable-debug --disable-stripping --disable-optimizations --disable-cuda --disable-cuvid --disable-d3d11va --disable-dxva2 --disable-nvenc --disable-vaapi --disable-vdpau You should now be ready to use ffmpeg in a...
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