MXF Research
Creating MXF and AAF Files:
MXF is a container format that is designed to "wrap" media files and carry associated metadata. AAF is a metadata file format that can describe how to assemble a program from original sources.
XDCAM Formats from wikipedia:
DirectShow MXF Mux with Main Concept:
I've been able to pull all elementary streams out of an MXF (except for the ancillary 608 CC track #9). I've then been able to build a graph to remux all those sources using MC MXF Multiplexer.
Creating XDCAM HD 422 using ffmbc:
ffmbc -i Outlander211_prem_4k_30sec.h264 -target xdcamhd422 -s 1920x1080 out.mxf
Creating XDCAM HD 422 using Direct Show:
Main encoder settings:
Advanced settings
Progressive Sequence needs to be Progressive and Chroma Format needs to be 4:2:2
I could not get the MC MPEG2 Encoder to connect at greater than 1920x1080, so I think we have to resize to 1920x1080 and maintain 4:2:2 before handing off to MC MPEG2:
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