
Showing posts from 2021

FFPROBE Helpful Commands

 A list of helpful ffprobe commands. Get time stamps, duration, and frame type (inspired from here ) ffprobe -i file.ts -select_streams v -show_frames -show_entries frame=pkt_dts_time,pkt_duration_time,pict_type -of csv=p=0 Get frame time and picture number ffprobe -i file.ts -select_streams v -show_frames -show_entries frame=pict_type,coded_picture_number -of csv=p=0

STL Container Types


FFMPEG x264 Command Line Options

 See this post:

Windows 10: External Drive and Execute Permissions. How To Turn On.

Is your external drive not allowing you to have execute permissions?  Do this: 1- Run regedit.exe 2- Go to  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\RemovableStorageDevices and set Deny_Execute to 0. 3- Go to:  Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Storage and set Deny_Execute to 0. Now restart your computer and you should be good to go.  If you work on a managed PC, the system may set these back to 1.  You will have to go back and repeat steps 1-3.